OK, so maybe it's a little cheap to add a picture to your web log before you've actually been in the place. I guess we could have taken a picture of us packing our bags (wow!). So far, all of our focus has been in preparation, figuring out where we are going and where we are staying. We did manage to find an apartment online (see links), hopefully it is not in the red light district. After about 20 e-mails back and forth between us and Sonia, the rental manager (do you accept visa? no we don't accept visa! can we pay by check? no, but you can wire the money with western union!), we finally managed to reserve the apartment. don't ask me with everything going wireless why you have to wire money to rent an apartment in spain. Sonia has it planned that we will arrive precisely 80 minutes after we land and will be waiting outside. I tried to find the proper words in spanish to say, "yes but we are dragging 3 children that are still bound and gagged for 12 hours on the plane" but to no avail. She just wrote "yo espero" (I wait) and "call me".
So, to summarize, the plane leaves 6am tuesday, we get there 8am wednesday, and then to navigate to meet Sonia. Our plan is to post updates every other day or so, hopefully interesting pictures and reads. feel free to write to us via posting messages, We will write back as we are able. Oh, yes, our picture-this is the Plaza de España (platha day espanya). The white statue is Miguel de Cervantes. In front are his two literary creations, Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. to the left and right is bipolar Dulcinea (left is depressed/right is manic). I counted 5 blocks from the apartment to the platha.