Today we managed to get up at the bright hour of 10:00 and go to visit the Palacio Real (royal palace) in Madrid. I managed to survey 3 of the visitors. My question "So what do you think about this building of 2800 rooms, built by Felipe V (a "French" king who was the grandson of Louis XIV of France) in the 1700's?" Isabelle, aged 10 "I wanna live here." Liam, aged 6, "Doesn't the king have a yard where you can PLAY?". Lydia, aged 12, "This would make for a great game of hide and seek."
So you might ask, how does a family of vegetarians survive in Spain? Easy-in Spain, ham is not considered a meat, so if you ask if there is meat, they will say "no". Seriously, we have gone out for some tapas, mostly mushrooms, potatoes, cheese, eggs. It is a bit tricky to navigate the tapas system, but we rely heavily on Rick Steves who usually steers us right. No one has starved yet.